The Campaign for The Farm & Wildlife Center

Scroll down to read about how this horse helped to welcome a new student.

We Believe:

  • That the human-animal bond is powerful and transformative
  • That being with animals and in nature can bring about tremendous healing and growth
  • That all living beings deserve to be given the chance to live to their fullest potential.

We Know You Believe Too

Your support will help Green Chimneys sustain the home of our farm animals and wildlife, our best partners in therapy.

Chief and Staff Help Ease First Day Worries

A student’s first day at Green Chimneys School may be at any time throughout the year. Thanks to thoughtful coordination by staff, a new student (who never met a horse before) recently received a special visitor at his classroom window. Needless to say, horse Chief made a big impression. There on the other side of the window, the student, with staff by his side, reached out to pet Chief and instantly exclaimed, “I think he likes me!” It’s a scene that’s not typical at most schools, and it’s an image that makes us proud. This moment is just one in many ways in which this child will be encouraged to make connections with animals and the natural world at Green Chimneys. It’s one of countless times he’ll receive individualized support from staff. And it’s a moment he may treasure forever. Support moments like this with a gift today.

Other Ways to Give

Making a donation by phone is easy!  Call Jennifer Toussaint at 845.279.2995 ext. 1226

Or mail your check made payable to “Friends of Green Chimneys” to:
Green Chimneys
400 Doansburg Road
Brewster, NY 10509
Attention: Fund Development Department

A gift to Green Chimneys through your estate and financial planning is a great way to help ensure our innovative programs continue to help children and animals well into the future.

Gifts of stock and bonds can be one of the most advantageous ways of giving. Gifts in the form of incentive stock options or regular investment holdings allow the donor to deduct the full fair market value of the stock as a charitable contribution while bypassing all capital gains taxes (to qualify you must own your stock for more than one year). Securities may be donated by transferring them directly into The Friends of Green Chimneys account.


The value of your gift is calculated by using an average of the high and low prices of the security on the date that it enters our account. This date is included in our thank you letter. This letter can then be used as proof of your donation for tax purposes.

Privacy Statement

Our broker cannot obtain any of your account information. Your information is kept strictly confidential to protect your privacy.

For more information contact Kathryn Cousins at [email protected] or 845.279.2995 x1225

Putting Green Chimneys in you your will or trust is a wonderful way to show your support while accommodating your own personal, financial, estate-planning, and philanthropic goals.

Planned Giving Supports Programs into the Future
A gift to Green Chimneys through your estate and financial planning is a great way to help ensure our innovative programs continue to help children well into the future.

Bequests are an easy way to include Green Chimneys in your estate plan and they are not subject to estate tax. Bequests can also be designated for a specific purpose other than general support. Simply name Green Chimneys as a beneficiary as you prepare your will or living trust. If you already have a will or living trust, you may add Green Chimneys as a beneficiary through a codicil or trust amendment.

Whether you are considering making a specific, residuary or contingent bequest, consult with your attorney or other advisors to make sure that the bequest you chose makes sense as part of your overall estate plan.

Legal name and address for Green Chimneys donations:
The Friends of Green Chimneys
400 Doansburg Road
Brewster, NY 10509

Federal Tax Identification Number: 13-3897106

The Farm & Wildlife Center has naming opportunities for gifts of $25,000 or more.

To see the different options, download the Naming Opportunities PDF