
On behalf of our Board of Directors, staff, students and supporters across the country and beyond, we are proud to introduce Green Chimneys. We have the privilege of being part of a legacy, an agency that has endured and expanded for over seventy years, through the vision and commitment of its founder, Dr. Samuel Ross, and a highly talented staff.
The rich history of Green Chimneys has just as much to do with our years of achievement as it does our opportunities for growth and future success. We take great pride in operating one of the safest and most innovative schools in New York State. Families, school districts, agencies and medical professionals have entrusted Green Chimneys with the care and treatment of their children for over seven decades.
The work we do with our students within a therapeutic milieu takes an inordinate amount of stamina, intellect and resilience. To do this effectively requires an incredible amount of energy and focus, and our staff excels in this. With every new school year, we have an opportunity to significantly impact the lives of students, those who historically experienced education that did not meet their academic and/or social and emotional needs…and strengths. Our purpose is not only to provide an appropriate individualized education plan for each student but to ensure our environments are safe and predictable so learning may take place.
Effective strategies have been developed at Green Chimneys to meet the unique needs and strengths of youth across our multitude of programs with opportunities to succeed every day. This is the core of our work at Green Chimneys with the goal of preparing each individual to successfully step into adulthood.
Over the years we have developed a state-of-the-art campus in Brewster, including new elementary, middle and high school buildings, a health center, student residences, a tremendous farm & wildlife center, an indoor pool and gym, plus outdoor spaces and organic gardens that are second to none. Our Clearpool Campus in Carmel features an elementary and middle school in an incredible forest setting on a lake with a full waterfront, and the Clearpool Model Forest, a very special educational and environmental resource.
Our footprint in the community continues to grow. From preschool and day camp programs for local families to outreach across Putnam County to youth who are at risk. We continue to welcome thousands of children, families and international guests to our campuses who want to experience our culture, or just be together in a truly serene and enriching environment.
This is all the culmination of what we have known for decades at Green Chimneys: there is intrinsic value in connecting people with nature, their community, and each other. We proudly continue our commitment to the community we are fortunate to be a part of today, and for decades to come.
Thank you for supporting Green Chimneys; we look forward to welcoming you.
Crowned the best for falconry in medieval times, gyrfalcons were once reserved for kings. As the largest falcon in the world, with exquisite plumage ranging from bright white to deep charcoal, gyrs are revered for their powerful skill of flight. Their long wings make hunting waterfowl from 3,000-feet-high a feasible and fantastical feat. This falcon was flown in the sport of falconry for several years.