
All staff hired for the summer camp season will receive an email from Joanne Conrad, HR Manager. This email contains your login to your Camp Brain account.
Below are forms that you will need to download from this page and complete, following the directions in CampBrain. Then, upload the forms to your CampBrain account in the marked section.
Please reach out to Joanne at [email protected] with any questions.
Required for All New Hires:
Form #2 – Paycheck direct Deposit
Required for New Hires Under 18 Only:
Crowned the best for falconry in medieval times, gyrfalcons were once reserved for kings. As the largest falcon in the world, with exquisite plumage ranging from bright white to deep charcoal, gyrs are revered for their powerful skill of flight. Their long wings make hunting waterfowl from 3,000-feet-high a feasible and fantastical feat. This falcon was flown in the sport of falconry for several years.