
Sometimes when we watch the news, we hear about a bullying case, a suicide, a mental breakdown, or sexual assault, we either just shrug it off or we just say “Oh” and we go on to the next story. But let me be clear; this is something that we all need to be aware of. “What is it?” you might ask. It’s mental health. We all need to take it seriously. For the sake of our children, parents, relatives, or anybody.
Most people don’t think of mental health at all. And some people don’t even know that it’s happening to someone they know. They never ask because, well, they don’t see it. Sometimes when I’m on Snapchat or Instagram, I see these memes about suicide and just pass it on, and I used to laugh about it. But I started to realize it’s not a laughing matter. I see all these celebrities posting on their social media about mental health and, well, they’re right. Think about it. Look at all the celebrities who have died at the hands of suicide.
Mental health is serious. I can tell you that myself. In 5th grade, I was severely bullied every day, to the point where I was suicidal. I asked for help and the depression may have been a side effect of a medicine I took at the time. But then in 9th grade, I was again severely bullied every day, everywhere I went, at my local high school. I ended up being taken out by my parents and the school. I became very depressed, suicidal, anxious, and wasn’t really happy. I was too afraid to ask for help because I didn’t know if anything would change. In fact, I still have some anxiety, and sometimes don’t know when to ask for help.
People don’t think about these kinds of situations. But what if it was their child? Or their spouse? Then they would start to think about it. People who see posts on social media about mental health usually shrug it off. I get it. They might not care or think that it would never happen to themselves or their loved ones. Just take it from a guy who was suicidal and depressed, who fought his way through to get back to normal. We must all be aware of mental health and if you are struggling, I beg you, for the sake of not only yourself but for your loved ones, to get help.
This essay was written by a Green Chimneys School student. Children with social, emotional, and behavioral challenges build coping strategies, self-regulation skills, and confidence through our therapeutic day school and residential treatment center. Our Community-Based Services provide free youth and family counseling, youth shelter services, and after-school programs to youth in Putnam County, NY and the surrounding area. Know a youth in need of support? Call our 24-hour hotline, and we’ll help initiate the first steps: 845.279.2588
Throughout the month of May, and in recognition of Mental Health Awareness month, we’ll be sharing stories and resources. Watch for updates via Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
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