Students Develop Their Voice

March 12, 2025
During classroom presentations, a student smiles as he explains his diorama.

At Green Chimneys, our annual Classroom Presentations represents far more than just a school activity—it’s a impactful experience that encourages students to find their voice and share their passions with their school community.

Presentation Topics

What makes this event particularly special is how it celebrates each student’s unique interests and abilities. Some classes collaborate on curriculum-related themes like the Civil War or the solar system. Other students dive into personally chosen topics that genuinely interest them. Whether exploring history of the beloved corgi dog breed, the biology and behavior of tarantulas, or the intricacies of the NYC Subway System, students engage in self-directed learning that builds curiosity and builds confidence.

During classroom presentations, a student explains his slideshow about tarantulas.

The presentations take two forms. First, demonstrations, where students physically show “how” something is done. Or second, illustrated talks, where they explain concepts using visual aids. This flexibility allows each student to communicate in the way that best suits their learning style and strengths.

Important Skill Development

The benefits extend far beyond the classroom walls. Through this process, students develop crucial life skills:

  • Public speaking: Standing before an audience and clearly articulating ideas is a skill that will benefit them in every part of their life.
  • Research: Students learn to gather, evaluate, and synthesize information about their chosen topics.
  • Creative expression: Whether through hand-drawn posters, dioramas, or carefully designed slide presentations, students find creative ways to support their facts.
  • Personal agency: By choosing topics that genuinely interest them, students take ownership of their learning.
  • Receiving feedback: Judges congratulate students on areas where they excelled while also sharing opportunities for growth, encouraging self-reflection.

The culmination of this program means presenting before parents and judges—mostly teachers and other staff members. Additionally after their final presentation, they receive a certificate acknowledging their hard work! This real-world audience gives purpose to their efforts and validates their voices as worthy of being heard.

In today’s digital world face-to-face communication skills are still important to cultivate. Green Chimneys’ Annual Classroom Presentations provide students with essential tools for future success while celebrating their individual interests, talents, and potential.

Student receives feedback for her talk during Classroom Presentations

Green Chimneys’ therapeutic special education program gives students a chance to explore and discover their inherent strengths in a safe and structured environment. See why their their self-esteem, compassion, coping and social skills improve in our comprehensive learning environment