Green Chimneys Gala

Thursday, May 8, 2025
5:30pm - 10:00pm

Tappan Hill Mansion
81 Highland Avenue
Tarrytown, NY

Celebrating the Healing Power of Nature

Attend one of our most celebratory events to support the children and animals of Green Chimneys. The annual gala raises funds for innovative education and nature-based programs and therapies for children with special needs as well as for the care of our animal partners.

2025 Honorees

Donald Ross
Leadership in Service Award

Meet Donald Ross

Engelstad Foundation
Impact Award

Meet The Engelstad Foundation


  • Individual Ticket $500
  • Table (10 seats) $5,000

Explore the Benefits of Sponsorship


  • Your name on all event materials as a Presenting Partner (including the invitation if a commitment is made by February 1, 2025)
  • Full-page ad in the Virtual Gala Journal
  • Presenting Sponsor recognition in the printed program
    for the evening of the Gala
  • Two tables (20 guests)
  • Display signage at the event
  • Recognition on the Green Chimneys website
  • Recognition in Green Chimneys Social Media


  • Your name on all event materials as a Garden Partner
  • Full-page ad in the Virtual Gala Journal
  • Garden Sponsor recognition in the printed program for
    the evening of the Gala
  • Two tables (20 guests)
  • Display signage at the event
  • Recognition on the Green Chimneys website


  • Your name on all event material as a Meadow Partner
  • Full-page ad in the Virtual Gala Journal
  • Meadow Sponsor recognition in the printed program for the evening of the Gala
  • One tables (10 guests)
  • Display signage at the event
  • Recognition on the Green Chimneys website


  • Your name on all event material as a Barnyard Partner
  • Full-page ad in the Virtual Gala Journal
  • One table (10 guests)
  • Display signage at the event
  • Recognition on the Green Chimneys website


  • Your name on event material as a Wildflower Partner
  • Half-page ad in the Virtual Gala Journal
  • One table (10 guests)
  • Recognition on the Green Chimneys website


  • Your name on event material as a Pasture Partner
  • Half-page ad in the Virtual Gala Journal
  • Seating for 6 guests
  • Recognition on the Green Chimneys website


  • Your name on all event material as a Seedling Partner
  • Quarter page ad in the Virtual Gala Journal
  • Seating for 4 guests
  • Recognition on the Green Chimneys website

Meet the Honorees

Gala Honoree: Donald Ross, Leadership in Service

Green Chimneys is proud to honor Donald Ross with the 2025 Leadership in Service Award. It is fitting that the inaugural presentation of this award be made to Don Ross. As a child, Don grew up on the campus founded by his late parents, Dr. Samuel “Rollo” and Myra Ross. It was a natural part of his day to help on the farm or in the school, working side by side with his parents, siblings, and grandparents.

As an adult, he has chosen to volunteer his time—often from across the country—to ensure his parents’ legacy and the vital work of Green Chimneys continue, for the children and families we serve, and the animals in our care, well into the future.

Don has served as a Green Chimneys Board Member since 2013, and has held nearly every Board position. He currently serves as Chair of the Development and Marketing Committee, and sits on the Samuel Ross Memorial Golf Tournament Committee while also actively participating in fundraising for the annual Gala. His deep personal connection to the organization is the cornerstone of his commitment and leadership, which has resulted in millions of dollars of philanthropic support for Green Chimneys from foundations, corporations, and individuals all over the world—something that no one outside of his own father, has achieved.

“As a young person, I didn’t understand that a place I considered my home was emerging as a renowned leader in the concept of human-animal interaction,” recalls Don. “I’ve seen first-hand how my father’s idea of animals as teachers and therapists has grown into programs that have changed thousands of people’s lives. This is what drives me to help Green Chimneys continue to evolve and thrive as the premier organization in the field in therapeutic education and mental health treatment for children.”

Congratulations, Don, on being selected for the Green Chimneys Leadership in Service Award. We are thankful that you still proudly call Green Chimneys home!

Celebrate with Don at the 2025 Gala—please consider joining us in Tarrytown on May 8th!  If you’re unable to attend, you can still support the event with a congratulatory virtual journal ad.

GALA HONOREE: Engelstad Foundation, Impact

Green Chimneys pleased to honor The Engelstad Foundation with the 2025 Impact Award. Since 2020, the Foundation has been a powerful partner in helping Green Chimneys to provide vital academic and therapeutic programming for students with special needs, joining our mission at a time when students and families needed us most. The Foundation’s understanding of the issues faced by children with mental health challenges, and its commitment to supporting innovative nature-based therapies through generous general operating support, has directly benefited the youth and families that rely on our special education school and clinical treatment program.    

Upon their initial visit to the Green Chimneys campus, Foundation leadership saw first-hand the impact of innovative nature-based programming for children facing emotional, behavioral and developmental challenges. It was the start of an invaluable relationship with a true advocate for human services, whose multiple years of support has facilitated depth and breadth in the services Green Chimneys provides.  

The Engelstad Foundation was founded in 2002 by Ralph and Betty Engelstad, with the purpose of partnering to create solutions in medical research, improving day-to-day living for people with disabilities, and raising the possibilities for high-risk individuals. Since its inception, the Foundation has provided grants nationwide to groups focused on animal compassion, at-risk individuals, education, historical preservation, medical research and support, people with disabilities, and veterans. 

We are grateful to The Engelstad Foundation for steadfast support that has helped our students to thrive, grow, and reach their full potential. We are proud to be a partner, and thrilled to recognize the efforts of the Foundation with the Green Chimneys Impact Award.

To learn more about The Engelstad Foundation, visit

Please consider joining us in Tarrytown on May 8th!  If you’re unable to attend, you can still support the event with a bid in our online auction.