
The COVID-19 crisis has heightened our collective awareness about children’s mental health. But for the children and families we serve here at Green Chimneys, challenges around children’s mental health have always been at the forefront and have only been compounded during this pandemic.
Thankfully, our donors understand it too.
Green Chimneys is fortunate to have donors who know that our caring, innovative approach with nature-based therapies helps our children develop skills and tools to help them cope with their challenges, and provides a model of therapy and education for the country and the world. We rely on the generosity of these donors: individuals, foundations and corporations, to ensure therapeutic and nature-based programming remains available to our students who desperately need it.
Kris Engelstad McGarry
Shortly before restrictions of the pandemic took over everyone’s lives, Green Chimneys welcomed Kris Engelstad McGarry and her family, for a visit and tour. As a trustee of The Engelstad Foundation headquartered in Las Vegas, Nevada, Kris understands the impact of philanthropy on issues both local and national.
Created as a family foundation in 2002 by Ralph and Betty Engelstad, The Engelstad Foundation exists for the purpose of partnering to create solutions in medical research, improving day to day living for people with disabilities, and raising the possibilities for at risk individuals.
“During their visit we talked at length about the challenges of various mental health issues for children and their families and the need for places like Green Chimneys,” explained Executive Director Ed Placke. “We were thrilled a few months later to be awarded a $300,000 grant by the Foundation. When others were shifting their funding, The Engelstad Foundation recognized the importance of our work, especially during a time when children needed us most.”
“Green Chimneys is changing young people’s lives for the better, particularly here in the pandemic,” said Kris Engelstad McGarry. “The organization is providing so many children with fulfilling educations, as well as vital services, both of which are key components of healthy minds and future successes.”
Thanks to supporters like The Engelstad Foundation, Green Chimneys is able to continue to meet the needs of our children and families.
All year-end gifts support Green Chimneys’ therapeutic programs for children and animals.
Crowned the best for falconry in medieval times, gyrfalcons were once reserved for kings. As the largest falcon in the world, with exquisite plumage ranging from bright white to deep charcoal, gyrs are revered for their powerful skill of flight. Their long wings make hunting waterfowl from 3,000-feet-high a feasible and fantastical feat. This falcon was flown in the sport of falconry for several years.