
On a frosty winter day, student Zach and therapist Rachael meet at the chicken coop for an occupational therapy session. Bundled in a big orange coat and hefty boots, there is no muffling Zach’s excitement; it is time for another scavenger hunt on the farm and the chill doesn’t seem to touch him.
As the 15-year-old paces within the confines of the chicken coop prep area, Green Chimneys Occupational Therapy Supervisor Rachael Chiulli revisits the hunt rules as Farm Intern Tyler checks on the last of the clues he’s hidden. This has become routine for the trio as they have spent three months on this weekly activity which is designed to help Zach work on awareness of his environment.
While they are physically present in class, it becomes obvious that they are not aware of what is happening around them. They may look at a book, but their eyes fix on one spot and they are unable to find words or surrounding information. Students may walk into their closet and look around, but their attention has faded and the task that initially brought them there is forgotten. They may be in gym, playing baseball and while classmates are standing ready to catch a ball, they are intent on third base, unaware the ball is coming directly towards them.
With that goal in mind, staff teaches students how to look around the setting in an organized manner – rather than head and eyes fixed straight ahead – in order to locate those items.
The chicken coop is a nicely contained area to start the scavenger learning process; hunt items naturally stand out against chickens and hay. Once Zach mastered that setting, the hunt branched out to larger environments with more nooks and crannies. On this particular day, Zach’s quest takes him from the coop to the senior sheep inside the barn, then out to the cow pasture and back inside the barn again. Along the way are opportunities to stop, scan, think, celebrate, refocus, and strategize.
“This has trickled into real life scenarios,” explains Rachael, “I can now place him in front of a mirror after a meal and ask him to look and scan. He can independently locate spills and messy hands or face, identify when his shirt is backwards or inside out, etc. We can play a card game with improved ability to attend and scan the opponent’s cards to plan and strategize subsequent moves.”
Scavenger hunts are one of a variety of ways occupational therapists, speech therapists, social workers, teachers, child care and recreational staff incorporate the farm, animals and nature into therapy sessions and educational experiences for Green Chimneys students.
Crowned the best for falconry in medieval times, gyrfalcons were once reserved for kings. As the largest falcon in the world, with exquisite plumage ranging from bright white to deep charcoal, gyrs are revered for their powerful skill of flight. Their long wings make hunting waterfowl from 3,000-feet-high a feasible and fantastical feat. This falcon was flown in the sport of falconry for several years.