
Activities outside of school hours are critical to child and teen development. The Green Chimneys Recreation Department coordinates an after school program that serves both day and residential students on our Brewster campus to provide a broad range of activities that include academic support, mentoring, youth development, arts, and sports and recreation.
Parents of Brewster campus day students receive club information and students may participate as long as they have transportation home. Green Chimneys residential students enroll in their club(s) of choice as part of their dormitory program.
After school programming operates Monday – Thursday until 4:30pm, mid-September through mid-June. Two days of the week are designated for children 11 and under, and two days for youth 12 and over.
The Green Chimneys Student Council allows students to have a voice and discuss issues that arise in the school community, giving them an opportunity to be heard. Every class has a representative who serves on the Student Council, and teachers involve students in the selection process. Class representatives report the “news” to their classmates and bring any concerns or issues the class may have to the meetings for discussion. The students have fun, work together on resolving concerns and work on community service projects. This is a great opportunity for staff members to view the school environment through the eyes of students.
A highlight of the school year is the annual 4H project program. As part of their regular academic enrichment, Green Chimneys students participate in 4H activities, which include demonstrations and illustrative talks from a wide range of topics for them to explore. These talks aren’t just informative, they’re opportunities for students to practice research skills, logical thinking, and public speaking, while boosting their confidence. It’s a campus-wide event and Green Chimneys staff volunteer to attend the presentations to support the students, and provide helpful feedback.
Green Chimneys students support the campus and the larger community with year-round service projects. Tree planting, gardening, and clean-up projects help to maintain our shared environment and teach important skills. Students also plan charity projects with their classmates and teachers to help those in need. It’s a wonderful opportunity for students to work together, use their creativity, and be a part of the larger community we live in. From local families to shelter animals to military troops overseas, our students capture the spirit of the holidays – and other times of the year – with warm wishes and thoughtful contributions.
Crowned the best for falconry in medieval times, gyrfalcons were once reserved for kings. As the largest falcon in the world, with exquisite plumage ranging from bright white to deep charcoal, gyrs are revered for their powerful skill of flight. Their long wings make hunting waterfowl from 3,000-feet-high a feasible and fantastical feat. This falcon was flown in the sport of falconry for several years.