
Green Chimneys School follows New York State academic curriculum standards designated for Elementary, Intermediate and High School programs. All students in Grades 3-8 participate in New York State Standardized Testing. High school students receive instruction to fully prepare them for New York State Regents examinations as determined by the Committee on Special Education.
Our Education Team collaborates with families, service providers and home school districts to meet the individual academic and social-emotional goals of each student. All students receive counseling, and families are encouraged to participate in parent education and training offered several times throughout the year. Related services and support include speech/language and occupational therapies and vocational counseling to meet each child’s Individual Education Plan (IEP).
As part of our commitment to our students and to provide a sense of familiarity and consistency within their academic progression, Green Chimneys School delivers established, nationally recognized curriculums that are used by many of our referring districts. Students receive a modified curriculum that supports the New York State Next Generation Standards and is based on their abilities, strengths/weaknesses, and individualized IEP goals.
Green Chimneys teachers employ the Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI) model for teaching. Classroom lessons follow an “I Do, We Do, You Do” approach, which begins with teacher-directed instruction and transitions to a gradual release to independent tasks. This method incorporates whole and small groups, as well as individual instruction. Grade-level information is delivered to the students together as a group. Teachers use an ability-based method for students to demonstrate understanding, and for the teacher to assess each student’s comprehension of the material being taught.
Classrooms are equipped with current technology including SMART Boards, and students have regular access to computers to benefit from educational online resources. Each student is provided their own Chromebook to participate in classwork and complete homework assignments.
Green Chimneys students also benefit from the vast array of therapeutic programs and enrichment activities offered, connecting each child to nature as a means of developing social skills, improving self-confidence, and impart a general sense of well-being.
Green Chimneys School follows New York State academic curriculum standards designated for Elementary, Intermediate and High School programs. All students in grades 3-8 participate in New York State Standardized Testing. High school students receive instruction to fully prepare them for New York State Regents examinations as determined by the Committee on Special Education.
Classrooms are equipped with current technology including SMART Boards and students have regular access to computers to benefit from educational online resources.
Elementary students learn with the Growing with Mathematics program to meet New York State elementary grades mathematics core standards requirements. This widely used curriculum is a complete math program based on a wide range of learning experiences that teaches math concepts in a sequential manner and builds on previously learned material.
Students are taught English and Language Arts skills through the Houghton-Mifflin-Harcourt Journeys curriculum. Journeys is a comprehensive program, created to align with the New York State ELA Common Core Standards. The program integrates reading and writing, allowing students to develop and practice skills and strategies in reading, listening comprehension, writing and speaking.
The science program at Green Chimneys follows an inquiry-based (why, how, what if) curriculum that incorporates hands-on, grade level-appropriate science projects linking reading and science together in every chapter.
Green Chimneys School follows the Scott Foresman Social Studies text as a resource in meeting New York State elementary grades social science core standards requirements. The curriculum is designed to deliver interesting content that captures the attention and imagination of students as they participate in learning their grade-level curriculum in a format that includes built-in reading and vocabulary instruction.
Math courses for students in intermediate grades are designed to help students reach learning benchmarks and achieve goals for each grade:
The Intermediate School uses the Readers Journey series, a novel-based Language Arts program dedicated to turning students into lifelong readers. The curriculum focuses on reading, grammar, vocabulary and communication skills.
Students learn and practice how to read, write, listen, and speak for information and understanding, literary response and expression, critical analysis and evaluation, and social interaction. Classrooms also incorporate novels to explore critical thinking, inspire rich discussion, and enhance vocabulary and written responses.
Teachers in all grades incorporate age-appropriate lab experiments into their class curriculum. The science curriculum focuses on exploration:
Using our environmentally-rich campus environment, students investigate all living things, both plant and animal, as they become familiar with the Scientific Method.
The curriculum encourages students to explore the physical sciences by discovering the characteristics, properties and chemical composition of all forms of matter.
Students explore the characteristics of the plant and animal kingdom in greater depth through a focus on the living environment and are introduced to the microscopic world.
Students explore the great diversity of organisms that share the planet, study the method by which energy is transferred from the sun to all known life forms, and learn about replication of these forms through the duplication, growth and reproduction of DNA.
The Green Chimneys social studies curriculum incorporates culture and global understanding of the Western and Eastern Hemispheres, and U.S. and New York State history:
Students learn about the different cultures of the U.S., Canada and Latin America as they compare and contrast the cultures of the Western Hemisphere and focus on the geographic, economic, social/cultural and political understanding of these countries.
Global understanding continues as students learn about the geography and economic interdependence of all people living in the Eastern Hemisphere and develop an understanding about the social/cultural, political, and historical aspects of life in that area of the world.
Students study chronologically the global heritage of our nation’s people as it was prior to 1500 through the Civil War and Reconstruction periods, incorporating NY state history along with the history of the existing U.S. states and territories of the time.
Students continue their chronological study of the U.S. and New York State history from the industrial, post-Civil War era through the changing nature of the American people from World War II to present.
Green Chimneys High School students are assigned to a classroom based on their academic ability and receive full benefit of the Green Chimneys therapeutic programs. The school structure and curriculum accommodates all learners in this age group by providing three high school classroom environments:
Students in the high school program receive instruction to fully prepare them to take New York State Regents examinations as determined by the Committee on Special Education (CSE), and may participate in Work-Based Learning opportunities to work towards the Career Development and Occupational Studies Commencement Credential (CDOS certificate).
See more about Work-Based Learning and CDOS Programs
Green Chimneys maintains a credit transcript which is shared with parents and home school districts for graduation/post-secondary planning review at the CSE annual review meeting. Additionally, a certified school counselor monitors graduation progress and transcripts, and shares information and resources for college and scholarship opportunities.
As required by New York State Commissioner’s Regulations Section 100.5, a student will be awarded a Regents endorsed diploma from their home school district upon the successful completion of 22 credits in the New York State course work and testing requirements.
Green Chimneys High School follows the four-year English Language Arts Regents sequence, with one credit for each grade level:
Thematically connected units develop control of written expression, analyze elements of literature, and establish active listening and reading skills.
Thematically related units develop higher level critical thinking skills of analysis, evaluation and synthesis. Students continue to develop control of written expression as they analyze elements of writing style and become familiar with various rhetorical modes through the close reading of poetry, novels, plays and essays. Units are integrated and made relevant to the student’s lives via discussions, as students explore in the context of their own lives how characters are impacted by life events.
American literature units are integrated with themes covered in American history; the course reading list consists of classic American texts. Students focus on perspectives through the study of themes: the individual’s relation to society, necessity for societal structure to prevent chaos, and the desire to be close to nature or to build an industrialized and technological society. Individualized term papers require students to analyze and read works by an American author.
Expository, persuasive, and analytical modes of written expression are enhanced. Students work on personal narrative essays during the first semester and progress to generate research papers with the goal of establishing independent thinking, self-aware writing and cited justification of viewpoint, and the use of academically accepted formats. The literature component of this course introduces complexity, sophistication and student analysis through the classic and contemporary works of literature.
A two-year course comprised of logic, polynomials, radicals, rational expressions, factoring, solving linear equations, solving quadratic equations, solving inequalities, systems of equations, absolute value, basic geometry, perimeter and area, ratio and proportion and statistics. The course focuses on process, theory, and structure of algebra as well as the application, relevance, and integration into everyday life.
This course follows satisfactory completion of Integrated Algebra. Course topics include logic, coordinate geometry, congruent triangle proofs, proportion and similarity, quadrilaterals, transformations, constructions, locus, circles, area, surface area, and volume. The course focuses on process, theory, and the structure of geometry, as well as the application, relevance, and integration of geometry into everyday life.
Business Math reinforces general math skills, emphasize speed and accuracy in computations, and use these skills in a variety of business applications. Business Math reinforces general math topics (e.g., arithmetic, measurement, statistics, ratio and proportion, exponents, formulas, and simple equations) by applying these skills to business problems and situations; applications might include wages, hourly rates, payroll deductions, sales, receipts, accounts payable and receivable, financial reports, discounts, and interest.
A two-year chronological, cross-cultural survey of history that spans from the Paleolithic era to the present day and offers a comparative study of the history, politics, economics, and cultures of different regions of the world. This course interconnects societies, historical events and social movements to develop a sense of chronology and establish a framework for organizing and evaluating events as students become familiar with social science techniques and concepts that emphasize the study of the past while encouraging critical thinking about the present and the future.
This course covers the development of the nation from its formation until the end of World War II. Major topics include the American people, government and politics, foreign policy, and the enhancement of social studies skills. The principal goals of this course are the use of critical thinking/problem-solving skills and the gathering and use of primary and secondary source material.
Course material introduces students to economic theory, government and economic history, globalization, and contemporary economic problems. Students explore the interplay between politics and economic theory to develop a fuller understanding of government at the federal, state, and local levels, and to broaden the understanding of controversial issues.
Basic ideas and laboratory skills are developed through a series of related investigations including observing, measuring, classifying, predicting, and written and verbal communication as students complete the required 1,200 minutes of lab time for this course. Topics for discussion include biochemistry, anatomy, physiology of cells and organisms, the interaction between organisms and their environment, evolution as a unifying theme, and the inter-relatedness of structure, function, adaptation, and behavior.
This course offers a study of the forces that mold the earth and our universe. Students will explore the geology of the earth, chemistry and identification of minerals, interpretation of the topographic maps, physics of stars and planets, various aspects of meteorology, oceanography and paleontology. Laboratory skills are developed as students focus on observation, measurement, classification, prediction, data organization and analysis as they complete the 1200 minutes of required lab time component of this course.
This course examines the mutual relationships between organisms and their environment. In studying the interrelationships among plants, animals, and humans, these courses usually cover the following subjects: photosynthesis, recycling and regeneration, ecosystems, population and growth studies, pollution, and conservation of natural resources.
Crowned the best for falconry in medieval times, gyrfalcons were once reserved for kings. As the largest falcon in the world, with exquisite plumage ranging from bright white to deep charcoal, gyrs are revered for their powerful skill of flight. Their long wings make hunting waterfowl from 3,000-feet-high a feasible and fantastical feat. This falcon was flown in the sport of falconry for several years.