
Activities and projects to encourage discovery outside of regular school work are critical to learning. Staff develop a range of additional activities that incorporate academic support, mentoring, youth development, research, and awareness of the larger world.
The Green Chimneys Student Council allows students to have a voice and discuss issues that arise in the school community, giving them an opportunity to be heard. Every class has a representative who serves on the Student Council, and teachers involve students in the selection process. Class representatives report the “news” to their classmates and bring any concerns or issues the class may have to the meetings for discussion. The students have fun, work together on resolving concerns and work on community service projects. This is a great opportunity for staff members to view the school environment through the eyes of students.
Curious middle school students select from a wide range of experiments and discovery projects to explain – and sometimes disprove – the how and why of everyday products and scientific processes. From studying the growth of a rabbit to evaluating effectiveness of hand sanitizers, students test hypotheses through trial and error and report on carefully measured results. As part of the inquiry-based science curriculum, month-long projects incorporate Green Chimneys’ environmentally-rich campus environment to investigate all living things, both plant and animal, as students become familiar with scientific methodologies. Public presentation of projects and findings are a school highlight every January.
A highlight of the school year is the annual 4H competition, truly a school-wide event. As part of their regular academic enrichment, classes submit collaborative science or research projects of their choice to exhibit at the Putnam County Fair held each summer. Younger students participate in small animal presentations and judging on campus. Older students show large animals in the livestock competition at the fair, working hard to prepare for a showmanship evaluation, which includes handling of the animal, knowledge of the breed, and its care. Students take a class trip to the 4H Fair to see all the class project entries, visit the animals, watch demonstrations and play games.
Students broaden their horizons and get a view of the wider world with Parade of Nations. The goal is to gain a better understanding of other countries and cultures, and help youth appreciate the differences – and similarities – among us. Each class chooses a country to study and students learn about its music, sports, government, food, cultural celebrations, and so much more. Each classroom is opened to fellow students, families and special visitors to allow the children to share what they have learned.
Green Chimneys students support the campus and the larger community with year-round service projects. Tree planting, gardening, and clean-up projects help to maintain our shared environment and teach important skills. Students also plan charity projects with their classmates and teachers to help those in need. It’s a wonderful opportunity for students to work together, use their creativity, and be a part of the larger community we live in. From local families to shelter animals to military troops overseas, our students capture the spirit of the holidays – and other times of the year – with warm wishes and thoughtful contributions.
Crowned the best for falconry in medieval times, gyrfalcons were once reserved for kings. As the largest falcon in the world, with exquisite plumage ranging from bright white to deep charcoal, gyrs are revered for their powerful skill of flight. Their long wings make hunting waterfowl from 3,000-feet-high a feasible and fantastical feat. This falcon was flown in the sport of falconry for several years.