
Green Chimneys understands that things change in life. For example, a new job, a move, or new insurance. With that in mind, we will be reaching out periodically to update you and your child’s information. We also urge you to let us know as soon as possible when these changes occur.
Please take a moment to provide us with current demographic information and insurance coverage for yourself and your family, along with a copy (front and back) of all insurance cards. We must have this information on file in order to refer your child to specialists or in case of an emergency.
Please download and complete an Insurance Update Form
Be sure to complete all pages and return to the attention of
Lori Steinberger, Green Chimneys Managed Care Liaison via:
Fax 845.279.2714
Email [email protected]
Mail Green Chimneys, 400 Doansburg Road, Brewster NY 10509
Your rapid response will be greatly appreciated and will enable us to update your child’s information in a timely fashion. Failure to respond may result in your receiving medical bills. Therefore, we strongly encourage you to take the time to respond now. Thank you for your assistance.
If you have any questions, please contact Lori at
[email protected] or 845-279-2995 x1201.
Crowned the best for falconry in medieval times, gyrfalcons were once reserved for kings. As the largest falcon in the world, with exquisite plumage ranging from bright white to deep charcoal, gyrs are revered for their powerful skill of flight. Their long wings make hunting waterfowl from 3,000-feet-high a feasible and fantastical feat. This falcon was flown in the sport of falconry for several years.