
Collaborating with Green Chimneys families is a big part of student success. Throughout the year, Green Chimneys hosts workshops and trainings for our families. To support further knowledge-sharing, we’ve compiled a series of links and reference materials for your convenience and ongoing use. As always, if you have a specific and emergent concern regarding your child, please contact your child’s social worker. We never want you to struggle alone to “find an answer.”
Many children at Green Chimneys benefit from external relational supports to learn and implement positive behaviors. Green Chimneys Social Worker Catherine Werlau defines behavior change and talks about how to shape desirable behavior through reinforcement to help parents gain an understanding around how to best support preferred behaviors from their children. Tips include valuable insight on what behaviors to reinforce, types of reinforcement, when to reinforce, and how to prompt for positive behavior. Click on the image below to watch Catherine’s video or review our Parent Support playlist on YouTube →
Below please find additional resources for parents and guardians that support mental health and social-emotional skill development at home.
An article by Green Chimneys’ own Denise Luft, LMHC explores how you as a parent or caregiver can begin practicing mindfulness.
Health and well-being is an important part of emotional regulation. PLEASE offers a helpful way to maintain overall health in order to increase resilience and positive feelings.
Clinical Support Quick Links List
Explore additional online information regarding specific mental health concerns including how to talk to your child about stress, cyberbullying, dealing with ADHD at home, etc.
A tool to refresh on the Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI) approach.
Green Chimneys’ Community-Based Services offers a host of supports to community youth, including youth already enrolled at Green Chimneys. Services include assessment, therapy, crisis intervention, and psychosocial rehabilitation (helping youth learn and apply skills within their home and community setting).
Typically this program is available only to residents of Putnam, Westchester, and Dutchess Counties but with the current ability to provide services remotely, all Green Chimneys families are welcome to apply. You will need to have Medicaid in order to be eligible, and if you don’t have it, we can help you apply. Contact your child’s Green Chimneys social worker or therapist for more information.
Crowned the best for falconry in medieval times, gyrfalcons were once reserved for kings. As the largest falcon in the world, with exquisite plumage ranging from bright white to deep charcoal, gyrs are revered for their powerful skill of flight. Their long wings make hunting waterfowl from 3,000-feet-high a feasible and fantastical feat. This falcon was flown in the sport of falconry for several years.