
Our Recreation Department is dedicated to meeting the individual therapeutic needs of each child through a recreation and activity program that provides the opportunity for children to develop their social, physical and emotional coping skills.
A variety of programs, from sports to arts, utilize available resources on campus and within the community and incorporate skills such as socialization, anger management, self-esteem, and expression of feelings, along with leisure participation. All therapeutic recreation and art therapy programs emphasize participation, respect, responsibility and conflict resolution.
Following admission, each child is assessed for their strengths and limitations. Together, the child and recreation staff create an individualized plan, giving students purposeful therapeutic interventions and goals.
An after school program for both residential and day school students provides a broad range of activities that include academic support, mentoring, youth development, arts, and sports and recreation. Green Chimneys residential students enroll in club(s) of their choice as part of the dormitory program.
After school programming operates Monday-Thursday until 4:30pm, mid-September through mid-June. Two days of the week are designated for children 11 and under, and two days for youth 12 and over.
Led by licensed and board-certified art therapists, art therapy groups are provided as part of our specialized evening groups, available for any resident based on a referral basis. Groups focus on various goals, such as identity formation, processing grief and loss, and emotion and sensory regulation, and follow a structured format: Reinforcing the rules of the art room, engaging in an art therapy directive, and processing or sharing the artwork to promote appropriate social interactions and to provide an individual sense of empowerment, self-discovery, and personal fulfillment. Art made in art therapy groups is focused more on the process of art making rather than the product, with broader goals based on sensory integration, mindfulness, expressing emotions in a healthier way, and using art making as a coping skill.
Green Chimneys has its own indoor pool and every child has the opportunity to have swim lessons during their school time. Deep-water swimmers have the opportunity to be on the after-school intramural swim team. Lifeguard training for children who qualify is available as part of Vocational Training. Scheduled “open swim” hours are available for residents in the evening and on weekends.
As part of our behavior management program, students can earn the privilege to participate in two- or three-night camping trips during the summer. The trips focus on planning, cooperation and developing life skills
Ecology-based hikes teach children about trees and plants, animal tracking and environmental education. Hikes also work on developing life-long healthy leisure skills.
Students learn how to ride and maintain bikes and are taught bike and road safety while having fun in a safe environment.
Students learn to canoe and kayak in the Great Swamp, adjacent to Green Chimneys. They learn proper paddling skills, safety procedures, cooperation and environmental awareness.
Students take trips to regional mountains and are instructed in safety and basic skills.
This course encourages teamwork and pushes students beyond their perceived limitations, in a safe and supported environment.
Students build confidence, self-esteem and trust as they gain skills in the controlled environment of the climbing tower.
Crowned the best for falconry in medieval times, gyrfalcons were once reserved for kings. As the largest falcon in the world, with exquisite plumage ranging from bright white to deep charcoal, gyrs are revered for their powerful skill of flight. Their long wings make hunting waterfowl from 3,000-feet-high a feasible and fantastical feat. This falcon was flown in the sport of falconry for several years.